Sunday, June 7, 2015

Marvel Comics Marketing Research

Since Marvel Comics does so much of their advertising through social media (,, numerous other project specific Twitter accounts, and as some examples), I would chose those social media outlets to deliver a marketing research survey.

This survey would ask respondents the following questions:

Which media forms do they currently see advertisements for Marvel Comics. This would be answered with check boxes listing all of the current media that we use to advertise our comics.

Which media form would they like to see Marvel Comics advertised on in the future. This would have check boxes for television, movie theater commercials, billboards, subway ads, radio, and other with a text box.

Which media forms have they seen an advertisement that has influenced their purchasing decisions. This would be another list of check box selections that includes all of the choices form the first two questions.

What would you like to see in an advertisement for comic books? This would be answered in a text box.

Do you currently read comic books? Yes or No (radio buttons)

Do you watch Marvel TV shows on ABC, Disney XD, or Netflix? Yes or No (radio buttons). Selecting Yes bring up a list of check box selections for the three networks listed in the question.

The survey will end with the standard questions to establish demographics such as age, gender, household income, marital status, kids at home, etc.

The results from this survey will be used to launch a new marketing strategy on the media type determined by the data. Going into the survey, our hypothesis is that the media channels that we should expand into are television and movie theater commercials. We currently have Marvel cartoons showing on Disney XD, the family friendly Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. on ABC, and the mature audience Daredevil on Netflix. Commercials or bumpers shown during or after these programs promoting our print comics could bring in a whole new group of reads who may not be aware that the product exists. Since comics are no longer easily found on the newsstand, public awareness of them isn't as high as it used to be.

Now that commercials are regularly shown before the trailers placed in front of movies, this could also be another perfect opportunity for advertising our comic books, even if it is only done before our own movies.

With superhero movies and TV shows at an all-time peak in popularity, it seems like we can tie into that and use that popularity to bring new readers to the comic books that inspired what they are watching.

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